Què hem de fer al Treball de Síntesi?

Aquest any el Treball de Síntesi serà una mica diferent. El tema és l'AIGUA, sobre tot amb relació amb el RIU, que coneixerem en profunditat en diverses sortides que farem els dies 14 i 15 de juny. Què heu de fer exactament?
Primer, fer grups treball de 5 persones, de qualsevol classe. Heu de busca un pseudònim pel grup que estigui relacionat amb l'aigua i el riu (per exemple, "Equip Ebre" o "Equip Aigua Clara") i inscriure aquest pseudònim i els integrants del grup a l'entrada "Els grups de El riu és viu".

En segon lloc, distribuir les tasques que fareu durant les sortides dels dies 14 i 15 entre els membres del grup. Heu de pendre notes de les explicacions, fer fotografies del recorregut i escriure un diari de tots els fets que farem durant tots dos dies. A més, llegiu en aquest "blog" les activitats que haureu de fer per poder recollir les dades que us interessin.

Seguidament, el dia 16 de juny heu de fer les activitats.

Per últim, el dia 17 haureu de presentar els resultats de les vostres recerques.
Bé, esperem que aprengueu molt i que, a més, sigui divertit. Molta sort... i ànim!

divendres, 10 de juny del 2011

English Rivers

A river is a natural stream of fresh water larger than a brook or creek. A river flows toward another river, an ocean, a lake, or other large body of water.  

A river's source may be rainfall, a melting snowfield or a glacier, a spring, or the overflow of a lake. Streams that flow at a river source are the headwaters and are at the river's highest elevation. Most river headwaters begin in hills or mountain, but as the river flows downstream, it gains more water from other streams, rivers, springs, added rainfall, and other water sources.  

River Thames, in London
Rivers have always been important for travel, transportation, and trade routes. Most settlements were built along major rivers. Rivers are also important for farming because river valleys and plains provide fertile soils. Farmers in dry regions irrigate their cropland using water carried by irrigation ditches from  nearby rivers. Rivers also are an important energy source. During the early industrial era, mills, shops, and factories were built near fast-flowing rivers where water could be used to power machines. Today steep rivers are still used to power hydroelectric plants and their water turbines.


You have two opcions: you can choose either 1 or 2, or both of them.

1.Write A River Poem. Express your feelings about a river in poetry. Consider sharing your finished poem with others. You can find information including sites to post your work at an eduScapes companion 42eXplore site: Poetry for Kids.

2.Create A "Save the River" Poster. What are the threats threatening a river near you? Think in terms of water quality, pollution, erosion and siltation, river wildlife - - all aspects of the river's life. Make your poster a visual message. Post it where others can see it.

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